"; echo ""; for ($i=0;$i<$cant;$i++) { echo " "; echo mysql_field_name($result,$i); echo " "; } echo ""; echo ""; $num = mysql_num_rows($result); for ($j = 0; $j < $num; $j++) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); echo ""; echo ""; for ($k=0;$k<$cant;$k++) { $fn=mysql_field_name($result,$k); echo " " ; } echo ""; echo ""; } echo "
"; } // Show an error and stop the script function showerror() { if (mysql_error()) die("Error " . mysql_errno() . " : " . mysql_error()); else die("Could not connect to the DBMS"); } // Secure the user data by escaping characters // and shortening the input string function clean($input, $maxlength) { $input = substr($input, 0, $maxlength); $input = EscapeShellCmd($input); return ($input); } function comprobar_email($email){ $mail_correcto = 0; //compruebo unas cosas primeras if ((strlen($email) >= 6) && (substr_count($email,"@") == 1) && (substr($email,0,1) != "@") && (substr($email,strlen($email)-1,1) != "@")){ if ((!strstr($email,"'")) && (!strstr($email,"\"")) && (!strstr($email,"\\")) && (!strstr($email,"\$")) && (!strstr($email," "))) { //miro si tiene caracter . if (substr_count($email,".")>= 1){ //obtengo la terminacion del dominio $term_dom = substr(strrchr ($email, '.'),1); //compruebo que la terminación del dominio sea correcta if (strlen($term_dom)>1 && strlen($term_dom)<5 && (!strstr($term_dom,"@")) ){ //compruebo que lo de antes del dominio sea correcto $antes_dom = substr($email,0,strlen($email) - strlen($term_dom) - 1); $caracter_ult = substr($antes_dom,strlen($antes_dom)-1,1); if ($caracter_ult != "@" && $caracter_ult != "."){ $mail_correcto = 1; } } } } } if ($mail_correcto) return 1; else return 0; } ?>